Saturday, May 23, 2009

Birthday Afghan

So, I want to knit myself an afghan. But, since I don't have a job and have no sort of income coming in...I have to wait until my birthday. I want to buy nice yarn for it, not cheap stuff. So, when my birthday comes along (November far away!) I'm going to get some yarn with birthday money. I think I'm either going to knit the Paneled Lace Afghan that I talked about in this entry. It's pretty, and by the time I'm going to knit it I think I could get the stuff I need to do for it figured out. It doesn't seem too hard. Or I will come up with my own creation. Something original that I would be even more proud of! I just don't know how I would go about doing that...if anyone has any tips, I'd really appreciate them!

I taught myself how to do cables. I love them. They're so pretty and fun to do. So, I'll probably incorporate them into my afghan. *excited*

I cleaned up the apartment today. My dad is painting his room, the bathroom and then my room. I'm not sure which color I want for my room yet. It can't have any red in it, since we live in an apartment and it's harder for them to paint over red after we move out. I'm thinking of a light brown/tan-ish color. I have no clue. I'm looking at the different colors, but I'm not too good at choosing which colors would look right with my furniture/carpet and whatnot. It's so hard! I straightened up my room, but after my dad paints it I'm going to do a total cleaning of it.

I borrowed the book "One Skein" [Ravelry Link] [Amazon Link] from the library this week. It's okay, not too much I want to knit. Glad I borrowed it before I bought it. I do want to make the Candy Wrapper Sachets. I would like my drawers to smell nice! Also, this scarf looks nice. I want to knit my mom a scarf for this winter. I want it to be super pretty, I know she'll wear it no matter what it looks like...but I want it to actually look good. I'm also looking at this scarf. Not sure yet.


  1. I loved the Host. It was a bit darker than Twilight, but the story was every bit as engaging. I couldn't put it down - finished the entire book in a day or so. I would absolutely recommend it!

  2. My vote goes to the second scarf! That's just gorgeous! I bet your Mom would love it!

    Take your time looking for yarns for your afghan. Some of the expensive yarns are just as bad at pilling and getting messy looking (speaking as one who has been disappointed a time or two).

    You want it to be machine washable also, that's always a plus with things that big.
    That one you picked is so pretty, a cotton blend might be really nice with that! :)
