Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Halfway Done!

So, I'm halfway done with the dishcloth I'm making for my mom. Yepp, it's a little late...okay it's pretty late. But, that doesn't really matter. I did buy her a present at the store, so this is just something extra. I hope it turns out okay =\ It involves a lot of counting...and sometimes I lose track and have to count all over again. Especially if my dad is home. He likes to talk, haha.

I'm thinking about knitting a baby blanket for my little second cousin Madison. She is so adorable. I don't know, I'll ask my cousin if he wants me to once I'm done with everything else. I'm working on the dishcloth right now, then after that I'll finish the pet blanket. Then I'm making Cassie the "Kitschy Kerchief" I hope it turns out okay. I picked out the closest color to hot pink I could find, and it actually is called Hot Pink. So, I hope she likes it!

After that I have a couple things in my queue on Ravelry. I'm not what I'll do after that though. I might work on learning some new knitting techniques. It'd be nice to do something other than knits and purls...haha =) I want to learn to do cables, but I'm not sure how that will work out..lol.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone! My Mom's box is being mailed out tomorrow...a little late, but it's full of love! ;O)

    Cabling is easy peasy! You'll love it. Try it on a hat or another dishcloth to get the hang of it?
